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Medical Breast Thermography

May 24, 2021

Digital infrared imaging is a relatively new, pain-free and non-invasive method of detecting breast changes. It allows Doctors to assess the function, physiology and metabolism of your breasts. Since abnormal cells often are more metabolically active they give off more heat. A digital infrared imaging scan shows the heat difference between normal breast tissue and and breast tissue with increased metabolism.

By measuring the amount of heat given off by the abnormal cells it is possible to detect diseased tissue before it is detectable by mammography. This is very important since early detection results in the best clinical outcomes.

The Benefits of Medical Breast Thermography Include:

  • Providing the earliest evidence of breast disease, up to 10 years before detectable on mamogram.
  • Examining the whole chest, breasts and armpit areas.
  • Safe for all ages: puberty, pregnant, breast-feeding, pre-menopausal years and post-menopausal years.
  • Effective for all breast types: dense, fibrocystic, enhanced and women on hormone medication (BCP & HRT).
  • Locates exact problem areas allowing for more precise focus with other medical diagnostic tests; ultrasound, mammogram, MRI.
  • No squeezing, no pressure, no touching by equipment or technician.
  • No harmful radiation emitted so the digital infrared imaging scan can be done as often as needed to monitor breast health and to guide treatment.

Thermography for Breasts or any Parts of Your Body!.

Breast cancer can take up to 10 years to develop. Studies show that early detection of breast cancer is the best defense, and if treated early, a 95% cure rate can be achieved.

Research published in The American Journal of Surgery, 2008 from Cornell University showed that Thermographic Imaging is 97% sensitive.

University of Wisconsin study show 70% of tumors can be identified on a thermogram, 8-10 years proir to a mammogram

Thermography can detect early pre-cancerous changes in breast tissue, increasing the success of early treatment and prevention.

What is Thermography

  • Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging is a non-invasive, radiation-free, painless screening test that detects changes in the body’s functioning, such as blood flow changes.
  • Although not a diagnostic tool, it is primarily used to assess breast tissue in women, helping to differentiate low risk (benign lumps or fibrous tissue) from high risk (pre-cancerous or cancerous) physiological or tissue changes.
  • When abnormalities are discovered, further testing through Ultra Sound or MRI is suggested.

How Does Thermographic Imaging Work?

  • Thermographic Imaging harnesses digital infrared technology, which has been safely used by NASA and the military for years.
  • Digital Infrared waves are harmless and non-toxic to the human body.
  • A high-resolution infrared camera is used by the technician to take snap shots of a woman’s breast tissue.
  • This image depicts “a heat signature” for each individual patient.
  • The software used is designed for stability and symmetry, providing each woman with consistent technology for their breast screening year to year.
  • The first test result is considered a “base-line image” and is used to compare future assessments for the same person, using the same technology each year.
  • This process helps to detect changes in breast tissue from year to year, differentiating cancerous from lower risk physiologic (blood flow, heat pattern) changes.

What are the Benefits of Thermography vs. Other Froms of Breast Screening?

  • Thermography has been shown to identify cancerous changes in breast tissue years before a visible tumor is detected on other standard tests such as: x-rays and mammograms.
  • Mammograms and ultrasounds are better for detecting mature, later stage disease.
  • Breast cancer can take up to 10 years to develop, and in some cases, thermography can detect abnormalities up to ten years prior to it showing up in a Mammogram. Studies indicate that early detection of breast cancer is the best defense and if treated early, a 95% cure rate can be achieved.
  • Thermography can detect early pre-cancerous changes in breast tissue, increasing the success of early treatment and prevention.

Radiation Free!

There is absolutely NO RADIATION emitted from an infrared imaging device. This makes it safe to start at any age.


Mammograms use ionizing radiation. One test exposes a woman to 100x more radiation than a chest x-ray. Ionizing radiation increases cancer risk!

No Breast Squeeze/Trauma

There is no contact with thermographic imaging. NO COMPRESSION equals: NO pain nor any risk of damage to implants or underlying breast tissue.


Mammograms squeeze the breast tissue, risking damage to implants or underlying tissue. Mammograms are often painful for women, especially those with fibrous or cystic breast tissue.

All Breast Types

Dense, fibrous or fatty breast tissue as well as breast implants or reductions are equally and easily assessed using thermographic imaging.


Mammograms do not detect tumors well in women with implants, fibrous, cystic or dense breast tissue.

At What Age Should Women Start with Thermography Screening?

  • All women can benefit from thermal imaging.
  • It is beneficial for women to begin as early as 20 to establish a baseline.
  • Women in this age group have no standard testing and many do not find out that they have cancer until it is in Stage Three.

Thermographic Imaging Has Additional Uses That Are Clinically Rrelevant:

  • Documents injury or condition.
  • Helps determine cause or origin of pain.
  • Evaluates soft tissue injury or nerve pathology.
  • Monitors the progress of current treatments.

Thermography Screening Available Includes Your Choice of:

  • Breast.
  • Thyroid.
  • Pelvis (reproductive organs).
  • Female Health Profile.
  • Male Health Profile.
  • Full Body.

Is Thermographic Imaging Covered by Extended Health Care Plans?

  • Some extended health care plans cover testing prescribed by a Registered Naturopathic Doctor. Check your plan to determine if you have insurance for “naturopathic testing”.

Where Can I Find Out More About Breast Thermographic Imaging?

  • For more information on the benefits of Breast Thermography versus conventional forms of breast screening, such as mammograms, please view this excellent discussion with Gaea Powell (Thermographer and Breast Health Advocate) and Dr. Mercola. View video here.
  • is an excellent resource for Thermography information.